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We’re Not A Bricks & Mortar Business

We’re a specialist blog whose sole reason for being is to provide as much possible information on all things German that you can imagine.
From the well-known to the obscure and from the famous to the infamous, we scour our experiences and the experiences of others to find the most interesting things to write articles about based on Germany.

We’re based only online, but rest assured, we’ve lived and travelled in Germany for decades. All things we write about are from our own experiences or from experiences from trusted people and family members close to us.

We don’t write articles simply for the sake of writing articles. We try to always provide value and to reveal those points of view that others blogging on the same topics might miss or overlook.

We welcome your feedback on the above email at any time. If there are any topics you’d like to see Absolute Germany cover, please do let us know.

Thanks so much for reading our blog – we hope you enjoy the content!

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